Easel is Coming

Hail, people of the Pylons. You have all, I am certain, used the Pylons app to claim at least one of the incentivized drops over the last few months. I expect many of you have wondered how our team brings the offerings into being. Some of you have even gone looking and have found the beta version on Google Play.

We haven't broadcast its existence because it was still protean, struggling to find its ultimate form. Among other things, The Apple did not want an app that could not be used without the Pylons app, and so Easel had to be able to upload your content to IPFS without minting it onto a chain. So our artisans have labored to rebuild it in a new shape. And this week it will be ready. We are fixing the last bugs now, and we will be publishing Easel 1.0 later in the week. Behold:

Welcome to the next generation of blockchain publishing

Easel is like nothing you have seen before in digital item creation.

  • It runs on your phone
  • It supports images, audio, and 3D models as native salable items
  • It does not hate you
  • It lets you set pricing, royalties, and quantity to sell for any edition
  • There are no up-front fees of any kind
  • It loves you very much
  • You can publish your work using Easel and share it directly onto social media
  • When mainnet launches you will be able to list your work directly for USD

We can't wait for you to try it out.