Upgrade Vote in Progress

gm! We have been working hard to get the upgrade out, and we are almost there! We are one of the first chains to upgrade to SDK 46, so we are encountering some bugs, but we have created an upgrade proposal and once that passes validators will trigger the upgrade handlers and upgrade to the latest node.

The version of Pylons chain being deployed when that happens has some features that are unique in the blockchain space. It can directly process receipts from the Google and Apple app stores, allowing people to buy and sell art using in-app purchasing (Pylons, Inc. still mediates this by creating the SKUs and handling payouts to KYCed sellers, since the app stores are not self service, but artists with App Store accounts will soon be able to create their own SKUs). The chain will also handle using Firebase App-Check to restrict account creation to real phones that are running the real Pylons app. This will do a lot to help with spam mitigation (since we don't have gas fees)

We also released our games SDK last night, and are looking to have a demo app for you by the next update. Exciting times at Pylons!

Have a great week!